KAHABA Program Rules for 2023
All eligible horses must be registered with the Arabian Horse Association as Arabian, Half-Arabian, or Anglo Arabian.
To be eligible, all horses must be sired by a KAHABA Nominated Stallion.
To be eligible, all horses must be conceived and foaled within the State of Kentucky.
The foaling mare must reside in Kentucky for at least 90 days prior to foaling and give birth in Kentucky.
Horses produced by embryo transfer, live cover and transported semen are eligible, but must be born and bred in Kentucky. Mares bred with transported semen must have the procedure done in Kentucky.
Horses of any age are eligible for nomination.
KAHABA and/or their authorized representatives reserve the right, and shall be granted the opportunity, by appointment, within a timely manner, to enter the premises of any participant in KAHABA to ensure compliance with program rules.
All horses must meet all eligibility requirements for nomination.
Horses born 2013 and later; are required to complete a Verification of Kentucky Foaling form. This form is to be submitted at the time of nomination. The verification form will confirm that the birth of each KAHABA eligible horse occurred within the state of Kentucky out of an eligible mare.
Nominations may be made by any KAHABA member in good standing by submitting a copy of the horse’s AHA registration certificate and a nomination application and appropriate fees.
Each horse must also be recorded with the KAHABA program by payment of an original nomination fee, due by January 31st.
After January 31st, a late fee must be submitted in addition to Nomination and Division fees. The late fee is not applicable for foals born in current program year.
Horses may be nominated by members who do not own them, but a letter of permission from the recorded owner must accompany the nomination. (If the horse is sold, a new permission letter must be signed and submitted)
The horse owner is determined according to the recorded ownership on the horse registration papers.
All earnings will be paid to the member who nominated the horse.
Horses may be nominated for more than one division.
Horses do not need to reside in Kentucky to be nominated.
A stallion must reside in Kentucky for at least 30 days prior to nomination to qualify as Standing in Kentucky.
A stallion location verification form must be signed by a veterinarian and submitted, declaring the stallion’s location standing at stud, if standing in Kentucky.
Eligible stallions must be nominated by a KAHABA member in good standing.
Stallions may be of any breed and must be registered with an equine breed association registry.
A copy of each stallion’s registration papers must accompany his nomination application along with appropriate fees.
Stallion owners have first rights to stallion nomination. Stallions can be nominated by members who do not own them. In this circumstance, the KAHABA member must also be nominating an offspring of said stallion.
If nomination is the original nomination, the original nomination fee applies. Once a stallion has satisfied the original nomination, a re-nomination fee is needed in subsequent years.
The stallion’s owner is determined per stallions’ official registration certificate.
Stallions recorded owner does not have to reside in Kentucky.
The stallion nomination period is January 1st through November 15th.
If the previous nominator chooses not to renew the nomination by the January 15th deadline, the stallion can be nominated by other KAHABA members with nominated horses sired by that stallion.
All annual nomination renewals are due January 31st, or a late fee will be incurred.
A stallion’s nomination must be renewed each year for his foals to retain their eligibility.
Nominated Stallion Earnings:
Earnings will be 10 % of KBIF funds earned by his enrolled offspring.
Any Nominated Sire earnings will be paid to the currently listed nominating member.
The purpose is to provide incentive for breeders of Arabian, Half Arabian and Anglo Arabian horses residing in Kentucky to continue breeding Kentucky Bred Arabian, Half Arabians and Anglo Arabians.
KAHABA Registered Breeder eligibility:
- Breeder must be a resident of Kentucky
- A Breeder must be a member in good standing of KAHABA
- A Breeder must be the recorded owner or documented lessee of mare at the time of breeding
- Nomination period is January 1st through November 15th
- All annual breeder renewals are due January 31st, or a late fee will be incurred.
Registered Breeder Earnings:
- KAHABA Registered Breeders will receive 10% of KBIF earnings for any nominated horse they bred.
Earn KBIF money by participating in any of these approved programs:
- Participation – KBIF Point Program
- High Point Award Program
- KAHABA Bonus Point Program
- AHABA Production Class Program
Horses must be nominated 14 days prior to an event for points to be awarded. Competition Verification Forms are available for all nominated horses and must be filed with KAHABA within 30 days of the last day of the competition, to receive points.
- Points can be earned at approved shows and in approved classes.
- These shows are any KAHABA approved shows offering Arabian and Half Arabian classes.
- Exhibitors must be entered, shown, and judged to receive participation points.
- Exhibitors are awarded one participation point per horse per show.
- Members can accumulate a maximum of 15 participation – KBIF points per horse, per year.
The High Point Award Program is run according to the KAHABA high point program and calendar.
High Point Divisions are Sport Horse, English, Halter, Western, Hunter, Specialty, Distance, and Open
(Note: Open Division does not earn KBIF participation points)
Click here for the complete High Point Award Program Rules
BONUS Classes for KAHABA Approved Shows:
KAHABA encourages approved shows to purchase KAHABA BONUS classes to their existing shows. (Regional and National Championships shows are excluded)
These Bonus classes are worth one (1) KBIF Bonus point to every nominated Kentucky bred horse placing 1st thru 4th in the Bonus classes.
These KAHABA Bonus classes may be purchased only by show management of KAHABA approved shows.
KAHABA Bonus Classes will be available for purchase beginning October 1st of each year.
The following Arabian and/or Half Arabian/ Anglo Arabian KAHABA Bonus classes may be purchased from KAHABA in these divisions:
Sport Horse: (In Hand, under Saddle, Dressage, Carriage Driving, Hunter over Fences and Jumping). English: (Pleasure, Country, Park, Show Hack, Costume, PL and CP Driving), Halter: Western: (Pleasure), Hunter: (Pleasure) and Specialty: [Ranch, Reining, Cow Classes, Trail (In Hand and Under Saddle) and Sidesaddle]
A portion of KAHABA general funds will be allocated for shows chosen each year by the board, in which KAHABA Production Classes are offered. Eligibility is as follows:
Ø A Kentucky bred purebred Arabian foal 3 (three) years and younger can enter the class.
Ø A Kentucky bred Half Arabian/Anglo-Arabian foal 3 (three) years and younger can enter the class.
Production Class Program Entry:
Production horse entries must be enrolled in the Kentucky Breeders’ Incentive Fund (KBIF) through KAHABA. Only foals with completed forms and payment will be eligible to show.
Payout for the Arabian Production and the Half Arabian Production class will be as follows:
- 4 horses or more in a class: 1st place-40%, 2nd place- 30%, 3rd place- 20%, and 4th place- 10%
- 3 horses in a class: 1st place-45%, 2nd place- 35%, and 3rd place-20%
- 2 Horses in a class: 1st place-60%, 2nd place- 40%
- 1 Horse in a class: 100%
Each horse that participates in the class will also receive credit for a Participation- KBIF Point.
These classes will be judged as halter classes.
For more information about rules and procedures for these classes go to the KAHABA website and click on the link for production classes on the home page.
KAHABA Distance Division
The KAHABA Distance Division falls under the KAHABA High Point Award Program. Nominated horses must be properly enrolled in the distance category and may earn points in the division by competing in any of the distance disciplines currently recognized by AHA.
Included are:
Competitive Trail, Endurance, Ride and Tie, Mounted Orienteering
Eligibility: To be eligible for nomination into the KAHABA Distance Division a horse must also be enrolled in the AHA Open Event Incentive Program (OEIP). OEIP enrollment is free to any AHA member in good standing. Any ride, race or distance event sanctioned at the national, regional, or local level by AHA through the OEIP shall be deemed an eligible event for the purposes set forth in the document. Horses must be nominated 14 days prior to an event for points to be awarded. Competition Verification Forms are available for all nominated horses and must be filed within 30 days of the end of the competition, to receive points.
Examples of approved host organizations include:
- The North American Trail Rider Conference
- American Endurance Ride Conference
- National Association of Competitive Mounted Orienteering
- The Ride and Tie Association
KAHABA Distance Program Payout
AHA’s online point calculator factors in successful completion of a ride, race or distance event in addition to the finish or placing of the horse.
Points earned through OEIP will count one for one in the KAHABA Distance Points Payout Program.
The maximum number of KAHABA Distance Payout Points which can be earned annually by any horse enrolled in the distance division is 15.